

What you will learn

• FYB® methodology and how to apply it to opportunities of all kinds - both new ventures and innovation in existing organizations.

•Leadership and entrepreneurial skills needed to develop and implement social innovation initiatives, including strategic focus, engaging stakeholders, key measurements, and driving innovation to bring your organization to the next level.

•A toolkit of key concepts, competencies, and practices that will enable you to lead with your entrepreneurial mindset.

•Operational skills in risk management and common challenges related to starting a new business, and how to launch successfully.

•Specific behaviors for developing - and using - an entrepreneurial leadership mindset to motivate, mobilize and influence others as a positive change maker in an organization.

What you will learn

The course will introduce students to the concepts and issues in Bahasa Malaysia Teaching Methods. Students will be familiarized with such methodologies, Audiolingualism, Presentation, Practice and Production, Communication Language Teaching, Task-based Learning, and Content and Language Integrated Learning as well as alternative methods and approaches such as Storyline. 
Students will examine  and also developments in Bahasa Malaysia Teaching as a Profession such as the qualifications and professional development needed to be a teacher. Finally, the course will  apply such as lifelong learning, digital literacy and teaching Bahasa Malaysia online. By the end of the course, students will have a fuller understanding of Bahasa Malaysia Teaching and current issues in the sphere.

What you will learn

01 "Principles of Education"
02 "Self-learning"
03 "Teaching Skills"
04 "Learning Mode"
05 "Leadership Skills"

What you will learn

01 "Enterprise Advantage"
02 "Team Management"
03 "Business Model"
04 "Educational Value"
05 "Enterprise Capital"

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