

FYB® Bahasa certainly fits the bill in all your criteria :
•  Start-up fee only RM4,800
• Immediate access to a large target group 
• Fast return on investment 
• Noticeable progress in students that ensures business continuity
•  FYB provide teachers training and ongoing support in marketing and management
• 20 years of experience in education business 

No Royalty Fees

Unlike other franchise businesses, you won’t have to pay us any royalty fees. Our business alliance own 100% from the business because our unique business model is an eduprenuer driven model focused on a performance system that benefits everyone.

Materials Support

You don’t have to worry about sourcing for material or developing curriculum. All materials have been developed  by our Professional Teams. This ensures that you’ll always have quality study materials for your students.

Training & Support

For us, being dedicated in education means being dedicated to our business alliances. We provide professional  training and support that aren’t normally available to independent individuals who start up a business enterprise via conventional methods. This training and support are crucial to ensure your start-up business experiences rewarding success as quickly as possible.

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